APCC chief YS Sharmila said that if former Chief Minister Jagan Mohan Reddy made a big mistake by removing NTR’s name from medical and educational institutions, current Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu is also following the same path. To this extent, she blamed the coalition government’s behavior on the platform of ‘X’.
YS Sharmila wrote on X: The removal of late chief minister YSR’s name from medical colleges and hospitals in the state has been termed as a revenge act. Be it NTR or YSR, they are the ones who contributed to the development of united Andhra Pradesh.
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They are the ones who have made their mark in governance. If we have to look at both of them apart from politics, it is not reasonable to attribute bad politics.
She added: Arogyashri, fee reimbursement, loan waiver, free current, pensions, every scheme implemented by YSR is ideal for the country. YSR place in the hearts of Telugu people is still strong. It is not fair to project the anger on YCP on YSR. There is no YSR in YCP. It will always be the party of YV, Sajjala and Sai Reddy.