The High Court has intervened in the case involving BJP candidates Megha Rani Agarwal and Pawan Mistra, contesting from the Charminar constituency in the state assembly elections. Directing the police not to take stringent actions, the court emphasized the candidates’ willingness to explain the controversy that occurred during a recent rally.
Megha Rani Agarwal and another petitioner approached the High Court seeking protection against further police action, including arrest, in connection with a case registered at Hyderabad Hussaini Alam Police Station. The court ordered the petitioners to provide explanations within three days of receiving CRPC 41A notices.
During the hearing, it was revealed that confusion arose during a rally on the 9th of the month, leading to a complaint by Md. Zafar Khan and subsequent police action. The petitioners expressed readiness to clarify the situation, leading the judge to grant them an opportunity to explain before any further action is taken. The court’s intervention adds a legal dimension to the unfolding events surrounding the Charminar constituency in the state elections.