A heartwarming video capturing the performance of a 77-year-old Mitsubishi executive singing a Tamil song from the iconic Rajnikanth film, Muthu, has been making waves on social media. The video, shared on X by Indian Railway Accounts Service (IRAS) officer Ananth Rupanagudi, showcases Mr. Kuboki San’s spirited rendition during the GLOBIZZ’24 event at Pondicherry University. With students and peers cheering him on, Mr. Kuboki captivates the audience with his infectious energy and enthusiasm, proving that age is no barrier to spreading joy through music.
In the footage, Mr. Kuboki stands confidently on stage, microphone in hand, as he sings and dances to the beats of the Tamil song. His performance not only highlights his love for Indian cinema but also underscores the enduring popularity of Rajnikanth’s work in Japan. The heartening response from the audience reflects the universal appeal of music and the power of cultural exchange to foster connections across borders. Mr. Kuboki’s rendition serves as a beautiful testament to the transcendent nature of music, bringing people together regardless of language or nationality.