On Tuesday, the chief minister of Telangana K.Chandrasekhar Rao took a dig at Prime Minister Narendra Modi, saying Modi is an enemy of Telangana. Addressing a public meeting in Vikarabad yesterday after launching the integrated collectorate complex built at a cost of Rs 60 crore, the TRS Vikarabad district office, and laying the foundation stone for the construction of a government medical college, the chief minister targeted Modi and the BJP.
KCR expressed intense anger over the incident of 5-10 BJP workers trying to interrupt his convoy and waving BJP flags on his way to Vikarabad. He cautioned BJP workers that they would be reduced to pieces if the TRS cadres retaliated. Rao asked people to join hands to send the BJP-led government at the Centre home in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections for the formation of a people’s government at the Centre that would work for the welfare of all sections of society and respect the rights of states.
He continued his words by saying, “People would only get cheating if they believed the BJP, which saw welfare schemes as freebies and wanted all welfare schemes being implemented by states to be scrapped. The prime minister has become an enemy of Telangana. His government is creating hurdles in the growth of Telangana. There is no substance in the PM’s speech delivered at the Red Fort on Independence day. He just tied a colorful rumaal on his head, told stories and dialogues for an hour and left. There was nothing beneficial for people in his speech.”
KCR vowed to people that he would complete the Palarmur-RR project, despite hurdles by the Modi government. He said he will bring Krishna water and irrigate four lakh acres in the erstwhile Rangareddy district. Later, he asked people to think about what were the prices of petrol, diesel, and domestic LPG cylinders earlier and where they were now under the BJP rule.