MRPS Chief Mandakrishna Madiga took part in a road show endorsing BJP candidate Raghunandan Rao in Dubbaka town, marking a significant moment in the ongoing election campaign. During the event, Mandakrishna clarified that he doesn’t align with any particular political party and emphasized his commitment to the nation’s development as outlined in the constitution by Ambedkar.
In his speech, Mandakrishna highlighted the three-party contest in Telangana and stressed that the voters hold the key to deciding the right direction for the state. He credited PM Narendra Modi for granting 45% reservation to women in legislatures, a move he regarded as instrumental in promoting social justice.
Mandakrishna Madiga underlined his belief that social justice could only be achieved under Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s leadership, asserting that KCR and Congress do not share a similar commitment to social justice. He called on the voters to support Raghunandan Rao, commending his service and dedication to development work.
The MRPS Chief’s endorsement adds an interesting dimension to the political landscape, emphasizing the significance of social justice and development in the upcoming elections.