At the pre-wedding festivities of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant, Nita Ambani, the esteemed Founder and Chairperson of Reliance Foundation, captivated guests with an enchanting dance performance. In a video shared on X, Nita Ambani could be seen gracefully dancing to the rendition of the Vishwambhari Stuti, a hymn dedicated to Maa Ambe, accompanied by music directors Ajay-Atul and the melodious voice of singer Shreya Ghoshal. With choreography by the renowned Vaibhavi Merchant, Nita Ambani poured her heart and soul into the performance, invoking divine blessings for the soon-to-be-wed couple’s journey ahead.
Dressed in an exquisite outfit designed by Manish Malhotra, Nita Ambani’s performance radiated elegance and devotion, leaving a lasting impression on all in attendance. Her dance not only showcased her talent and grace but also served as a heartfelt tribute to her granddaughters, Aadiya Shakti and Veda, embodying the spirit and vitality of all young girls. As guests witnessed the breathtaking performance amidst the festivities, Nita Ambani’s dance became a highlight of the evening, symbolizing the joy, blessings, and unity shared during this auspicious occasion.