Tollywood’s rising star, Suhas, shines in his latest outing, “Ambajipeta Marriage Band,” directed by Dushyanth Katikaneni and featuring the talented Shivani Nagaram as the leading lady. The film, set against an emotional and rustic backdrop, has garnered praise from audiences since its theatrical release on February 2nd, earning both critical acclaim and strong box office numbers.
Audiences have been drawn to the movie’s natural portrayal of real-life events, resonating with its authentic storytelling. Now, as the film gears up for its digital debut, excitement is brewing among fans. The OTT rights for “Ambajipeta Marriage Band” have been secured by the renowned Telugu streaming platform AHA, promising viewers a captivating cinematic experience from the comfort of their homes.
AHA teased fans with a glimpse into the magical world of “Malligadu,” hinting at the impending arrival of “Ambajipeta Marriage Band” on their platform. Although an official streaming date is yet to be announced, sources suggest that the movie is slated for release on March 1st, pending an official confirmation from the makers. Previously, speculations pointed towards streaming dates of March 8th or March 15th, adding to the anticipation surrounding the film’s digital release.
As audiences eagerly await the film’s digital premiere, all eyes are on “Ambajipeta Marriage Band” to see if it can replicate its theatrical success on the OTT platform. With its blend of heartfelt storytelling and compelling performances, the film is poised to win over audiences once again and make a mark in the digital realm.