Renowned director Tharun Bhascker, known for his innovative storytelling, has once again left his mark with his latest creation, “Keedaa Cola.” The movie, featuring a stellar cast including Brahmanandam, Chaitanya Rao, Rag Mayur, Raghu Ram, Jeevan Kumar, Vishnu Oi, and others, hit the screens last month, receiving commendable reviews from both critics and audiences alike.
Produced by VG Sainma and presented by Rana Daggubati, “Keedaa Cola” is gearing up for its OTT debut on Aha, the popular streaming platform. Fans can mark their calendars for December 8, 2023, as the movie is set to make its digital premiere on that date. An official announcement from Aha is imminent, adding to the anticipation surrounding this cinematic venture.
Vivek Sagar’s musical prowess enhances the movie’s appeal, promising a captivating auditory experience for the audience. The synergy of talent involved, both in front of and behind the camera, has set the stage for an intriguing narrative.
As the film industry continues to embrace digital platforms, the OTT debut of “Keedaa Cola” signifies a shift in the viewing landscape. Movie enthusiasts can look forward to the convenience of enjoying this cinematic gem from the comfort of their homes.
Stay tuned for more updates as Aha prepares to unveil the official announcement, and let the countdown to December 8th begin for the digital premiere of Keedaa Cola.