Shah Rukh Khan’s recent interaction with Allu Arjun’s son, Allu Ayaan, has set social media abuzz with excitement. Following the streaming release of Rajkumar Hirani’s comedy “Dunki,” which features a star-studded cast including Vicky Kaushal, Anil Grover, and Vikram Kochchar, the film has garnered widespread attention and discussion, particularly on platforms like Netflix.
Ayaan’s adorable rendition of the song “Lutt Putt Gaya” from “Dunki” captured the hearts of fans when shared by the Shah Rukh Khan Universe Fan Club on Twitter. Responding to the heartwarming clip, Shah Rukh Khan himself took to social media to express his appreciation for Ayaan’s performance, praising the young fan’s charm and talent.
In his response, Shah Rukh Khan affectionately referred to Ayaan as “flower and fire rolled into one,” in a nod to Allu Arjun’s iconic dialogue from the blockbuster film “Pushpa.” The gesture was met with overwhelming enthusiasm from fans, who eagerly shared the exchange across social media platforms.
Not to be outdone, Shah Rukh Khan humorously mentioned the possibility of getting his children to practice singing Allu Arjun’s hit song “Srivalli” from “Pushpa.” Allu Arjun reciprocated the sentiment, expressing his gratitude and admiration for Shah Rukh Khan’s kind words.
The heartwarming exchange between the two beloved stars quickly went viral, fueling speculation and excitement among fans about the potential for a collaboration between Bollywood and Tollywood. As anticipation mounts, fans eagerly await any news of Shah Rukh Khan’s possible cameo appearance in Allu Arjun’s upcoming film, “Pushpa 2.”