Wednesday, June 26, 2024
HomeExclusiveThe center is serious.. If you come to the office lazily, there will be strict actions! 

The center is serious.. If you come to the office lazily, there will be strict actions! 

When it comes to government jobs, everyone has a different opinion. Many people feel that those who go late to the office and come home early are among the majority of the population. Hence, based on such opinions, the central and state governments make crucial decisions related to their employees. Recently, the central government has issued important guidelines to the central employees. If you come to the office lazily, there will be strict actions, which has been highlighted. In this process, several crucial points have been proposed. However, let’s see what these details are now…

Government offices mean starting work late and finishing quickly… Many people have the idea of finishing work quickly. In such scenarios, the central government has become serious about employees who come to the office lazily and quickly come home. Those who are indifferent to deadlines and fail to complete office hours on time should be dealt with strictly by the relevant authorities, as directed by the Ministry. It has been mentioned that even those with a biometric system for attendance must register their presence on time. Similarly, some employees are coming to the office late, which the Ministry has noted.

On such employees, the center is serious. Strict actions must be taken against such employees. The central government has issued crucial orders to the respective departments regarding this issue. As per the recent guidelines… if someone lazily comes to the office and signs the attendance register and leaves, without informing their superiors, they must be reprimanded. If there are valid reasons, only after informing within the month and not being lazy, they can be allowed to leave. Prior arrangements must be made before leaving the office, and similarly, about coming late to the office, guidelines must be followed.

In the state as well, some government employees are negligent. They disappoint the public who come to the authorities for various reasons when they leave the office early without informing timely or go quickly. They also have doubts about when the government employees will come to the office. That is why many feel that government employees are indifferent. Many government employees manage proceedings efficiently and follow instructions on time. However, for some reason, the disgrace falls on all employees. In this process, the center… some are seriously considering the employees who come late to the office.

Overall, many are of the opinion that the center is being serious about the employees who come late to the office.

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